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Friday, February 1, 2019


*Benefit of sugar cane*

1. Sugarcane juice has all the required vitamins and minerals that provide precious health benefits for the person suffering from various diseases.

2. Drinking sugarcane juice instead of artificial and aerated drinks helps to improve the health of a person.

3. The juice of Sugarcane helps in treating the burning sensation while passing urine, prostatitis, kidney stones, STD (sexually transmitted disease), and urinary tract infections.

4. Sugarcane juice reduces the bad cholesterol level in the body and has natural sugar. It helps in eliminating toxins from the body by cleansing, improving metabolism and detoxifying the body. This aids in gradual weight loss especially if taken regularly with lime juice or coconut water.

5. It is found to be beneficial for pregnant women because of its contents of iron and folates. These contents enhance the hemoglobin level in pregnant women. It also prevents the unborn baby from variety of birth defects.

6. The antioxidant property of sugar cane juice makes the skin soft, fair, supple and healthy. It also helps in delaying the signs of aging on the skin.

7. Sugarcane contains natural sugar which has low glycemic index that prevents steep rise in blood glucose levels and so can be taken as a substitute of aerated drinks by diabetics.

8. Sugarcane juice boosts protein levels in the body which is helpful in maintaining the health of the kidney.

9. It is helpful in preventing stomach infection and is considered a good digestive aid due to the presence of potassium. It is also useful in treating constipation.

10. sugarcane juice helps in protecting tooth decay and bad breath because of its high mineral content.


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