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Monday, February 4, 2019

Ruwan Sanyi


Bugun zuciya shike gyara dumin jiki da daidaita numfashi to ruwan sanyi yana sa bugun zuciya ya rika raguwa har takai ga tsayawa. Ko kunsan yawancin yan film na kasar indiya da yan ball da boxing da wrestling tsayawar bugun zuciya ke ajalinsu kuma bincike ya nuna yawancin shan ruwa mai sanyi yayin da suke aikine yake jawo musu.

Shan ruwa mai sanyi yana tattare hanji guri daya sai ya sanya abinci yaki narkewa da wuri hakan kan jawo matsalar hanji ulcer kenan ko kuma tashin zuciya. Yawancin masu shan ruwan sanyi suna yawan zubda yawu ko tashin zuciya ko saurin kullewar ciki.

Duk da cewa shan ruwan sanyi kan sa mutum yaji dadi amma a hankali yana dauke masa karfin jiki sakamakon cewa yayinda ruwan mai sanyi ya shiga jikinsa dole sai naurorin jikin sunyi kokarinsu na ganin sun maida wannan ruwan ya daidaita da dumin jikin hakan yanasa suyi rauni sakamakon kokarin da suke yana wuce haddi. Ko kun lura duk sanda kuka sha ruwan sanyi sai kunji duk jikinku sanyin ya ratsa kaman farkon zazxabi a hankali kuma sai kuji ya daina.?

Mentioned below are a few more benefits of drinking warm water:

1. Warm water stimulates the natural digestive enzymes, thereby enhancing the digestion process.

2. Drinking warm water purifies the blood.

3. It also enhances the process of detoxification via the skin and kidneys.

4. It prevents the body from getting dehydrated.

5. Drinking warm water prevents solidifying the fats from the food you have consumed, and it breaks down the food easily.

6. It also enhances the bowel movement. For more effective results, mix lemon juice with warm water and drink it daily in the morning. This will cure all problems related to indigestion.

Once you start drinking warm water, you will get habituated to it, and you will soon notice a drastic improvement in your digestion.

Water is very essential; 80% of our body is made up of water. Thus, drinking it in proper quantity, at a proper temperature, and in proper intervals aids digestion and promotes good health. So, the next time you reach out for that glass of cold water after you have had your meal, just think of the nutrients and energy you might lose. The easiest ways to maintain a healthy body is by eating good food and sleeping well. A small mistake can disturb the process of digestion and cause illness.

Now that you know how to avoid these illnesses, ditch the practice of drinking refrigerated water and switch to warm or lukewarm water.

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