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Friday, February 1, 2019


Medicinal value of ampalaya

1. Used to treat diabetes

2. Used to treat stomach problems  such as colitis, dysentery and intestinal parasites

3. Used to treat spleen and liver problems

4. Used to treat spleen and liver problems

5. Used to treat mild cough, heal wounds, and to treat rheumatism and gout

6. Powered leaves used as astringent to treat haemorrhoids and piles. Sap or juice of leaves used to treat skin problems such as eczema, acne, psoriasis, leprosy and scabies

7. Pounded leaves used to treat for burns and scald

8. Infusion of leaves used to treat fever

9. Infusion used to treat various stomach problems and to improve appetite

10. Poultice of leaves used to treat headache

11. Infusion of leaves used as mouthwash to treat tooth ache and other mouth problems

12. Decoction of seeds and roots used to treat urethral discharge

13. Roots are used as an ingredient in aphrodisiac preparations

14. Infusion from bitter melon flower is used to treat asthma

15. Treatment of intestinal worms, diarrhea

16. Helps prevent some types of cancer

17. Disinfects and heals wounds and burns.
-مصطفى عبدالمؤمن


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