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Saturday, February 2, 2019

Neem Tree

1. Neem, a tree native to India, is a vital ingredient in Ayurveda. Regarded as a 'one tree pharmacy', the Neem tree has several medicinal uses and forms an integral part of home remedies for the hair and skin.

2. Neem leaf has antifungal and antibacterial properties, making it effective in treating dandruff.

3. It also relieves dryness and itching, strengthens hair and promotes hair growth.

4. Traditionally, neem paste has been used to condition the hair and scalp.

5. It also soothes irritation, prevents dryness and flaking.

6. Neem is mentioned in most Ayurvedic formulations for the treatment of skin disorders because of its detoxifying properties.

7. The growth of acne-causing bacteria such as propionibacterium acnes (P. acnes) and staphylococcus epidermidis is also inhibited by neem.

8. The role of neem in acne is further supported by studies which have shown that it exhibits anti-inflammatory activity by suppressing P. acnes-induced reactive oxygen species (ROS) and the pro-inflammatory cytokines TNF-a and IL-8.

9. Neem oil and neem leaves are excellent skin care ingredients. The oil relieves dry skin and soothes itchiness, redness and irritation.

10. It also improves general skin health and immunity, combating bacterial infections such as acne, boils and ulcers.

11. Its antimicrobial properties help heal wounds without causing any infections or septic conditions.

12. For acne, neem tackles bacteria from the root and prevents the recurrence of pimples and blemishes.

13. It is especially beneficial for skin disorders like eczema and minor skin infections. Neem leaves also eliminate acne-causing bacteria.

14. It is also a gastro protective element and effective in healing ulcers.

15. It contains high level of antioxidants that help protect skin from environmental damage and from aging.

16. Neem oil contains fatty acid and vitamin E that gets absorbed easily into the skin, it helps rejuvenate skin cells and restore elasticity.

17. It helps maintain a glowing skin and balance skin tone.

18. The high fatty-acid content in neem oil helps prevent and treat scars from acne.

19. Neem leaves are also excellent exfoliants; it tightens pores and removes impurities when used as a mask.

20. It is an excellent healer of skin fungal infections.

1 Helps you lose weight:

Then, drink neem flower juice daily to achieve the feat naturally. These flowers improve your metabolism and aid in breakdown of body fat, thereby helping you in your weight loss goal. You can further boost your metabolism by using these flowers in combination with lemon and honey.

How to use: Crush a handful of neem flowers. Now, add a teaspoon ofhoney and half-a-teaspoon lemon juice to the flowers and mix properly. Consume this mixture on an empty early in the morning every day to lose weight.

2 Maintains your blood sugar levels :

Neem leaves lower your blood sugar levels by enhancing insulin receptor sensitivity. Additionally they improve blood circulation by dilating the blood vessels. These leaves also help in providing better blood sugar control by lowering your dependence anti-diabetic drugs.

How to use: Drink the juice of the tender shoot of neem leaves on an empty stomach

3 Aids in cancer treatment :

Neem Leaf Glycoprotein or NLGP, a purified form of protein from neem leaves, inhibits growth of tumour cells. Instead of targeting the cancer cells directly, this protein modulates the immune cells present in the cancer environment and blood. This in turn restricts further growth of the tumour thereby playing a key role in the treatment of cancer.

How to use: As neem is packed with medicinal properties, consuming neem juice early in the morning eliminates toxins from the body. This not only helps in treatment of cancer but also prevents you from cancer.

4. Relieves fungal infection :

As neem contains nimbidol and gedunin, medicinal compounds which posses antifungal activity thus help in killing fungus. Alternatively you can also use neem leaves paste to heal and prevent these infections.

How to use: Apply few drops of neem oil thrice a day on the infected nail for effective results.

5 Used to treat head lice :

Neem is well-known for its potent antibacterial and antimicrobial agent. However, not many people are aware of the fact that neem oil can be used to kill head lice. So, if your child has lice and you don’t want to use chemicals, try this natural remedy for effective results.

How to use: Crush few tender neem leaves and use the juice to wash hair. You can also add a few leaves of tulsi to boost its activity.

6 Acts as mosquito repellent :

According to a study published in the Journal of the American Mosquito Control Association, applying a mixture of neem oil and coconut oil (1:1) over the skin keeps mosquitoes at bay. Being an effective anti-protozoal agent, neem lends your skin a particular smell that wards off mosquitoes.

How to use: Mix one teaspoon of neem oil and with one teaspoon of coconut oil and apply the mixture on your skin to prevent mosquito bite. Apart from natural tips, here are some innovative ways to keep your home mosquito free.

7 Is effective against skin problems :

If you are suffering from acne, wrinkles, skin pigmentation, black heads, dry skin and other skin infections, then there’s one single remedy that might help you out to deal with every skin problem – neem leaves. As these leaves are known to posses antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral properties, they soothe irritation and reduce inflammation. Apart from lightening acne scars, neem acts as a natural moisturising agent and a powerful skin toner.

How to use: Boil few neem leaves till the water turns green due to discoloration of the leaves. Now, strain the water and wash your face with this water to get rid of various skin problems. Alternatively, you can also add this water to your bath water to keep keeping skin infections in-check.

8 Helps to treat hepatitis :

Due to its potent anti-viral action, neem has been used to treat hepatitis. It works by eliminating the harmful toxins from the body and thus, lowering the toxic load on the liver. Additionally, it also improves your immune functioning and thus, enhances your recovery.

How to use: Wash tender neem leaves and extract its juice. Now, mix around 30 ml of this juice with 15 ml of honey. Drink this solutionearly in the morning on an empty stomach for around 7 days to recover from hepatitis.

9. Prevents oral problems :

In many parts of rural India, neem twigs are still used to brush teeth instead of toothpaste and brushes. The antimicrobial and antifungal properties of neem play a key role in prevention of gum disease,toothache, bad breath and mouth ulcers. Apart from this, it also acts as a powerful natural remedy to get whiter teeth.

How to use: Take a medium-sized neem twig and chew it at one end to make it a brush. Now, with this brush clean your teeth and rinse your mouth with water to prevent various oral problems.

10 Relieves symptoms of amoebiasis :

Neem leaves act as an effective natural remedy against the amoebiasis parasite due to its antibiotic activity. When applied on the stomach, neem paste reduces the intestinal inflammation and painful cramps commonly seen in children suffering from amoebiasis.

How to use: Grind dried neem leaves to make a fine powder and add equal quantity of turmeric powder to it. Now, and make a paste by adding mustard oil to this mixture. Apply this paste over the stomach region to relieve symptoms of amoebiasis.

-مصطفى عبدالمؤمن


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