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Saturday, February 23, 2019

Some Of The Ginger Benefits

Ginger Root. HEALTH BENEFIT OF GINGER 1) Digestive issues : The phenolic compounds in ginger are known to help relieve gastrointestinal irritation, stimulate saliva and bile production and suppress gastric contractions and movement of food and fluids through the GI tract.  2) Nausea : Chewing raw ginger or drinking ginger tea is a common home remedy for nausea during cancer treatment.  3) Pain reduction : Ginger has also been...

Questions & Answers For A Medical Students

National Testing Service  MCQS (General Science) 1. What is the body temperature of a normal man? A. 81.1oC B. 36.9oC ✓ C. 98.6oC D. 21.7oC 2. Which of the following helps in clotting of blood? A. Vitamin B1 B. Vitamin B2 C. Vitamin D D. Vitamin K ✓ 3.Total volume of blood in a normal adult human being is: A. 5-6 liters ✓ B. 3-4 liters C. 8-10 liters D. 10-12 liters 4. Red blood corpuscles are formed in the: A....

Friday, February 22, 2019

Murnar Aure

SAKON GAISUWA DA BAN-GAJIYA ! .....A madadin Yaran Shagon Magani Na Dom-Domty Medicine Store. A Yau Juma'a 22/02/2019 Aka Daura Auren Abubakar Usman Hassan Da Habiba Sani, A Masallacin Juma'a Dake A G.R.A Cikin Garin Gombe. Wanda Shima Ya Kasance Dayane Daga Cikin Yaran Shagon Na Dom-Domty. Muna Fatan Allah Yabada Zaman Lafiya Ya Kuma Sanya Alheri Aciki! A Yayinda Sauran Yaran Shago Kuma Suke Daddaga Muku Hannu Gamida 'Yan Uwa Da Abokan...

Sunday, February 17, 2019

Wasu 'yan Fadakarwa.

HAWAN JINI (HYPERTENSION): CIWON ZUCIYA (HEART FAILURE): Menene banbancin wadannan cutuka biyu kuma duka za a iya daukan su daga wani zuwa wani? Hawan jini: kamar yanda kowa ya sani shine hauhawan bugawar zuciyar daga matakin kididdigar bugun ta zuwa sama bayan la'akari da shekarun kowane mutum. Bugawar zuciyar dan Adam nada alaka da shekarun sa. Dan haka da zaran bugun ya karu ta hanyar aikin ta na Samar da jini da kuma rarrabashi ajiki...

Saturday, February 16, 2019

.... Today I Can See The Best Thinkers Who Knows The Medicine Very Well! That Should Answer Me Correctly! By Mustapha Abdulmumin. Oya Get Ready! Riddle Riddle: I am a drug, I have three names, my first name is a human name, my second name is found in a human body, And my last name is found in a kitchen. Who am I?. If you dont know, Send to your  friends and get funny answers.  But pls answer me 1st.. Oya Start thinking.... ....Just...

Epigastric Pain

Epigastric Pain: The Epigastrium or Epigastric region is the upper central portion of the abdomen. It is located between the costal arch (lower edge) of the thorax and the sub-costal plane. Epigastric pain is subject to certain abnormal reactions that are associated with several diseases of Epigastrium. Pain occurs regularly when Epigastric region is defective. This defect can be marked by actions of the diaphragm. The rectus abdominus creates...

Friday, February 15, 2019


.... Take Care Of Your Self. WHAT IS HIV? HIV: Stands for Human immunodeficiency syndrome. HIV infection is when the individual has the virus in blood but may not necessary have any signs and symptoms. The virus is highly concentrated in semen, blood and vaginal fluids. HIV causes AIDS (Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome). WHAT IS AIDS? AIDS: Stand for Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, Acquired -got from the immune-body's defence...

Saurara ka karanta

MUHINMANCIN GWAJI KAFIN AURE. Gabatarwa: Yin gwaji kafin aure yanada matukar muhimmanci sosai, dahakane za'a gujewa kamuwa da cutukan da ake samu bayan an yi AURE, akwai cutuka kala-kala wadanda ake samun su sakamakon rashin yin gwaji kafin ayi aure, irin su cutukan da ake gado daga wajen iyaye ko kuma ake samun su ta hanyar saduwa ko kuma ta hanyar hada jiki da wan da yake da cutar. Dan haka ina mai bawa yan uwa shawara da a din ga yin gwaje-gwaje...

Thursday, February 14, 2019


Benefits Of Moringa: Common Name = Moringa or Drumstick Botanical Name = Moringaoleifera Family Name = Moringaceae Parts Used = All parts of the Drumstick tree is used for medicinal purposes (bark, bud, root). Hindi Name = Sahijan, Munaga Kannada Name = Nuggemara, Nuggekayi Malayalam Name = Muringa Tamil Name = murungai Uses every part of the Moringa Tree and considers it one of the most valuable and useful plants. The ayurvedic medicine...

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Ruwan Kwakwa

Ko Kun San?  Amfanin Ruwan Kwakwa Da Madarar Kwakwa A Jikin Dan’adam: Kwakwa wacce a Turance muka sani da Coconut ta kasance daya daga cikin muhimman tsirran itatuwa masu zama a matsayin abinci da kuma magani na musamman. Lokuta da dama za ka ga mutum ya shagaltu da cin wani abu na daban da cinsa baya da wani amfani ga jiki kuma ya kasa daina cin wannan abin.Haka kuma za ka tarar mutum na cin wani abu da baima san amfanin cinsa ba amma...