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Monday, January 7, 2019

Lavender oil

*Lavender oil benefit*

1. Antioxidant Protection 

2. Diabetes Treatment 

3. Improves Mood and Supports Brain

4. Lavender Heals Burns and Cuts 

5. Lavender Oil Benefits Skin 

6. Lavender Oil for Headaches 

7. Lavender for Sleep and Insomnia

*Lavender Benefit*

1. As a dried herb to make a relaxing herbal tea 

2. In a tincture to help promote relaxation and sleep 

3. A strong tea can be cooled and used as a scalp rinse to remedy dandruff 

4. For headaches, smelling lavender and peppermint oils or rubbing into into the temples often helps 

5. The essential oil or lavender infused oil in homemade lotion bars, lotions. 

6. The essential oil can be used topically to help with acne or skin irritations 

7. Simmering dried lavender herb in a pot of water with some citrus peels for a natural air freshener


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