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Saturday, January 5, 2019

Banana Plants Leaf


In India and Asia, banana leaves are used like aluminum foil. They are used to wrap food prior to steaming and grilling.

The leaf makes an excellent platter and food served on these leaves tastes delicious.

The leaves are not eaten but while steaming food some of the polyphenols are imparted to the food.

Red Skinned Bananas:

The peel of this type of bananas is a maroon red color and they are plumper than normal bananas. They are also highly nutritious - the vitamin C content depends on how red the banana is.

The potassium content is high - more or less like the yellow bananas. The flavor of red bananas is unique and they are delicious and rare.

Flower Of Banana Tree

It is sweet and astringent in taste. The properties are unctousness, heavy and cold. It alleviates Vata, Pitta, blood disorders and emaciation.

1. Juice of flowers with curd helps in meno metrorrhagia

2. Flowers are taken as infusion for painful menses.

3. Flowers of Banana and Albizia lebbek (Shirish) mixed with Pippali (long pepper) are pounded with rice water is helpful in Asthma.

Stem Of Banana Tree

1. Juice of stem alleviates Vata disorders and thirst. Juice of stem helps in flushing out kidney stones. Sherbet (syrup) is given in cough. Inner tender stem is eaten as a vegetable.

Leaves Of Banana Tree

Kshara (Alkali) prepared from ash of Banana leaves is mixed with flour and made into paste. Intake of this alleviates stomach disorders. Alkali mixed with turmeric is helpful in skin disorders. Leaves are wrapped on wounds for proper healing.


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