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Friday, January 18, 2019

Domin Yaranmu



1- Exclusive Breast feeding up to 6months .

Shayar da yaro nono zallah har zuwa watanni shidda , ba tareda anbada ko ruwa ba .

Kuma a tabbata duk sanda za abawa yaro nono yazama bakin nonon yashiga bakin yaro sosai idan baishiga sosai yaro bazai samu ruwan nono yadda yakamata ba.

Kuma Idan ansa yaro a nono , bari yasha sai yagaji da kansa yabari , kuma kada a ace za'a canza masa nono lokocin da yana shan nono .


Immunization wata hanyace tabawa yara kanana kariya daga kamuwa da cututtuka wanda zai maida yaro baya wajen girma  ko kiba ga kadan daga cikin cututtukan :

- Tarin TB
- Cutan hanta
- Shan inna
- Tarin kototo
- Tsarka hakora
- Tarin nimoniya
- Tarin influenza
- kyenda
- shawara
- cholera .

3- Nutrient .

Idan yaro ya cika watanni shidda abincin da za abashi yakamata yazama nutrient .

Menene nutrient shine abincin da yake dauke da components of food kamar proteins, carbohydrate , fat , minerals , vitamin da sauran su .

Wani zai iya tambaya tayaya zan hada wadannan sinadaran abincin lokoci guda ? To ga hanyar sauki :

1- Kisamu Gyero ko masara ko shinkafa ko alkama alal misali Kopi shidda (6). an samu carbohydrate .

2- Kisamu Wake , ko waken suya Kopi uku (3) ansamu protein.

3- Asamu Gyeda Kopi 1 ko 1.5 (Kopi daya ko daya da rabi ) ansamu fat and oil .

Adan soyasu kadan dan sabida suyi kamshi ahadasu waje daya a nuka yazama garin kunun yaro , anadamawa ana saka sugari a dinga bawa yaro insha Allah za aga yaro yana girma yadda yakamata .

Kuma adinga bawa yara kayan itatuwa kamar su lemu , ayaba , da sauransu .

Kuma kada asaya a kunu adinga gwada musu abinci , sabida su koyi yadda akecin abinci .


Duk sanda za a yaye yaro daga nono dan Allah kada a yaye yaro lokoci guda a musu hikima .

Ga hikiman yadda yake :

Idan kina bawa yaronki nono saw biyar a rana sai kimayar saw 4 a rana yauda gobe za amayar so uku , haka yauda gobe sai amayar saw 2, 1 idan akai haka duk sanda aka yaye bazai damu ba .

Bayan wannan wassu matan idan sun yaye yaro sai sudauki yaro sukai gidan kakanta sabida wai ya manta da nonon.

Daganan yaro zai shiga stress , kullum kuka yanaso yaga mamarta , ba cin abinci sai aga yaro yana ramewa sosai , bayan kwana kadan yaro ba lafiya , babu abinci immunity duk sunyi weak , ana zuwa asibity sai ace Malnutrition.

via; Dom-Domty Medical Tips.

Acne (kuraje)

Acne - Causes and treatment

Acne is a chronic, inflammatory skin condition that causes spots and pimples,especially on the face, shoulders, back, neck, chest, and upper arms.

Home remedies

There are many suggested home remedies for acne, but not all of them are supported by research.

Diet: It is unclear what role diet plays in worsening acne. Scientists have found that people who consume a diet that offers a good supply of vitamins A and E and of zinc may have a lower risk of severe acne. One review describes the link between acne and diet as "controversial," but suggests that a diet with a low glycemic load may help.

Tea-tree oil: Results of a study of 60 patients published in the Indian Journal of Dermatology, Venereology, and Leprologysuggested that 5-percent tea-tree oil may help treat mild to moderate acne.

Tea: There is some evidence that polyphenols from tea, including green tea, applied in a topical preparation, may be beneficial in reducing sebum production and treating acne. However, the compounds in this case were extracted from tea, rather than using tea directly.

Moisturizers: These can soothe the skin, especially in people who are using acne treatment such as isotretinoin, say researchers. Moisturizers containing aloe vera at a concentration of at least 10 percent or witch hazel can have a soothing and possibly anti-inflammatory effect.


Human skin has pores that connect to oil glands under the skin. Follicles connect the glands to the pores. Follicles are small sacs that produce and secrete liquid.

The glands produce an oily liquid called sebum. Sebum carries dead skin cells through the follicles to the surface of the skin. A small hair grows through the follicle out of the skin.

Pimples grow when these follicles get blocked, and oil builds up under the skin.

Skin cells, sebum, and hair can clump together into a plug. This plug gets infected with bacteria, and swelling results. A pimple starts to develop when the plug begins to break down.

Propionibacterium acnes (P. acnes) is the name of the bacteria that live on the skin and contributes to the infection of pimples.

Research suggests that the severity and frequency of acne depend on the strain of bacteria. Not all acne bacteria trigger pimples. One strain helps to keep the skin pimple-free.

Hormonal factors

A range of factors triggers acne, but the main cause is thought to be a rise in androgen levels.

Androgen is a type of hormone, the levels of which rise when adolescence begins. In women, it gets converted into estrogen.

Rising androgen levels cause the oil glands under the skin to grow. The enlarged gland produces more sebum. Excessive sebum can break down cellular walls in the pores, causing bacteria to grow.

Other possible triggers

Some studies suggest that genetic factors may increase the risk.

Other causes include:

some medications that contain androgen and lithiumgreasy cosmeticshormonal changesemotional stressmenstruation


Treatment depends on how severe and persistent the acne is.

Mild acne

Mild acne can be treated with over-the-counter (OTC) medications, such as gels, soaps, pads, creams, and lotions, that are applied to the skin.

Creams and lotions are best for sensitive skin. Alcohol-based gels dry the skin and are better for oily skin.

OTC acne remedies may contain the following active ingredients:

Resorcinol: helps break down blackheads and whiteheadsBenzoyl peroxide: kills bacteria, accelerates the replacement of skin, and slows the production of sebumSalicylic acid: assists the breakdown of blackheads and whiteheads and helps reduce inflammation and swellingSulfur: exactly how this works is unknownRetin-A: helps unblock pores through cell turnoverAzelaic acid: strengthens cells that line the follicles, stops sebum eruptions, and reduces bacterial growth. There is cream for acne, but other forms are used for rosacea.

It is advisable to start with the lowest strengths, as some preparations can cause skin irritation, redness, or burning on first use.

These side effects normally subside after continued use. If not, see a doctor.

Treating moderate to severe acne

A skin specialist, or dermatologist, can treat more severe cases.

They may prescribe a gel or cream similar to OTC medications but stronger, or an oral or topical antibiotic.

Corticosteroid injection

If an acne cyst becomes severely inflamed, it may rupture. This can lead to scarring.

A specialist may treat an inflamed cyst by injecting a diluted corticosteroid.

This can help prevent scarring, reduce inflammation, and speed up healing. The cyst will break down within a few days.

Oral antibiotics

Oral antibiotics may be prescribed for up to 6 months for patients with moderate to severe acne.

These aim to lower the population of P. Acnes. The dosage will start high and reduce as the acne clears.

P. acnes can become resistant to the antibiotic in time, and another antibiotic is needed. Acne is more likely to become resistant to topical rather than oral antibiotics.

Antibiotics can combat the growth of bacteria and reduce inflammation.

Erythromycin and tetracycline are commonly prescribed for acne.

Oral contraceptives

Oral contraceptives can help control acne in women by suppressing the overactive gland. They are commonly used as long-term acne treatments.

These may not be suitable for women who:

have a blood-clotting disordersmokehave a history of migrainesare over 35 years old

It is important to check with a gynecologist first.

Topical antimicrobials

Topical antimicrobials also aim to reduceP. acnes in patients with moderate to severe acne. Examples are clindamycin and sodium sulfacetamide.

The dermatologist may prescribe a topical retinoid.

Topical retinoids are a derivative of vitamin A. They unclog the pores and prevent whiteheads and blackheads from developing.

Examples of topical retinoids prescribed in the U.S. are adapalene, tazarotene, and tretinoin.


This is a strong, oral retinoid, used for the treatment of severe cystic acne and severe acne that has not responded to other medications and treatments.

It is a strictly controlled medication with potentially serious side effects. The patient must sign a consent form to say that they understand the risks.

Adverse effects include dry skin, dry lips, nosebleeds, fetal abnormalities if used during pregnancy, and mood swings.

Patients who take isotretinoin must avoid vitamin A supplements, as these could lead to vitamin A toxicity.


Acne pimples vary in size, color, and level of pain.

The following types are possible:

Whiteheads: These remain under the skin and are smallBlackheads: Clearly visible, they are black and appear on the surface of the skinPapules: Small, usually pink bumps, these are visible on the surface of the skinPustules: Clearly visible on the surface of the skin. They are red at their base and have pus at the topNobules: Clearly visible on the surface of the skin. They are large, solid, painful pimples that are embedded deep in the skinCysts: Clearly visible on the surface of the skin. They are painful and filled with pus. Cysts can cause scars.

Prevention and management tips

Here are some tips for looking after skin that has acne or is prone to it.

Wash your face no more than twice each day with warm water and mild soap made especially for acne.Do not scrub the skin or burst the pimples, as this may push the infection further down, causing more blocking, swelling, and redness.Avoid popping pimples, as this makes scarring likelier.A specialist can treat a pimple that requires rapid removal for cosmetic reasons.Refrain from touching the face.Hold the telephone away from the face when talking, as it is likely to contain sebum and skin residue.Wash hands frequently, especially before applying lotions, creams, or makeup.Clean spectacles regularly as they collect sebum and skin residue.If acne is on the back, shoulders, or chest, try wearing loose clothing to let the skin breathe. Avoid tight garments, such as headbands, caps, and scarves, or wash them regularly if used.Choose makeup for sensitive skin and avoid oil-based products. Remove makeup before sleeping.Use an electric shaver or sharp safety razors when shaving. Soften the skin and beard with warm soapy water before applying shaving cream.Keep hair clean, as it collects sebum and skin residue. Avoid greasy hair products, such as those containing cocoa butter.Avoid excessive sun exposure, as it can cause the skin to produce more sebum. Several acne medications increase the risk of sunburn.Avoid anxiety and stress, as it can increase production of cortisol and adrenaline, which exacerbate acne.Try to keep cool and dry in hot and humid climates, to prevent sweating.

Acne is a common problem. It can cause severe embarrassment, but treatment is available, and it is effective in many cases.

Itchy Eyes

Itchy eyes - Causes & treatment

Itchy eyes, also referred to as ocular pruritis, affect many people and are a common reason for visiting the ophthalmologist. It can be caused by a variety of conditions, including allergies and infection.


Certain medical conditions can cause itchy eyes, as well as other accompanying symptoms. Some conditions may include:

Atopic keratoconjunctivitis

This is the Inflammation of the cornea and the conjunctiva (the membrane that covers the front of the eye). This is a condition in which a person is genetically predisposed to an abnormal allergic reaction to a specific allergen. People with this medical condition produce higher than average levels of antibodies, and these may affect them all year round.

If the condition is not treated, the following symptoms may occur:

ulcersscarringcataractskeratoconus, where the cornea thins and causes a cone-shaped bulge to developcorneal vascularization, where blood vessels grow into the cornea

Vernal keratoconjunctivitis (VKC)

This is another condition where the membrane that covers the front of the eye becomes inflamed. The condition affects young boys most often and people with VKC typically present with raised, hard, cobblestone-like bumps on the upper eyelid.

Although commonly a seasonal condition, there are some people who experience VKC all year round. Some individuals who experience severe VKC may go on to develop corneal ulcers and scarring.

Allergic conjunctivitis

Allergic conjunctivitis occurs when the inner membrane covering the eye is irritated by an allergen. Some common causes of this allergic reaction include:

pollenmoldgrassweedspet danderdustdust mitesirritating substances, such as makeup, lotion, or contact lens solution

Atopic dermatitis

A form of eczema, this condition results in patches of dry and scaly skin. It can be irritating to the skin surrounding the eye, as well as other parts of the body.

Dry eye syndrome

When the eye lacks moisture and lubrication, dry eyes can ensue. The eyes are less protected and more sensitive to dust or other airborne particles. This condition can lead to inflammation and scarring.

Meibomian gland dysfunction

The Meibomian glands are located in the upper and lower eyelids and are responsible for oil secretion. When these glands are blocked or develop abnormally, tears produced by the eyes will not contain enough of the oil needed to maintain moisture.


This is a condition that causes inflammation of the eyelids in response to antigens produced by the staphylococcal bacteria and possibly eyelid mites.

Contact lens-induced conjunctivitis

Contact lens wearers may at times experience an infection from contact lens use. At times, the cornea can be damaged and become scarred.

Giant papillary conjunctivitis

This eye condition is often related to an allergic reaction of some sort and may present as large bumps under the eyelids.

Causes include:

VKCatopic keratoconjunctivitiscontact lens useartificial eye useexposed sutures

Infectious conjunctivitis

The eyes are not immune to bacterial and viral infections. Some of the common bacteria found in infectious conjunctivitis include:

N. gonorrhoeaeNeisseria meningitidesStreptococcus pneumoniaeHaemophilus influenzaStaphylococcus aureusChlamydia trachomatis

Viral infections are fairly common and can be caused by the adenovirus, herpes simplex and herpes zoster.

Other causes

At times, certain medications can cause eye problems and side effects like dry eye. These medications include:

birth control pillscertain antibiotics such as penicillinover-the-counter pain medications, such as ibuprofen and acetaminophendecongestants including antihistaminesbeta-blockersantidepressantsartificial tearssome acne medications


Treatment options for itchy eyes will depend on the cause. Options may include certain treatments and recommendations, such as:

identifying the cause and avoiding itapplying cool or warm compressesmaintaining good eye hygienestopping using contact lenses or using a different typeregulating air temperature and moistureusing of artificial tearscleaning the eye with a saltwater solutiontaking antibiotics or other medicationsusing over-the-counter decongestantscombining decongestants and antihistaminesapplying medication to the eyes to increase tear productionusing oral or nasal antihistamines and mast-cell stabilizershaving steroid injections above the upper eyelid

A healthcare provider will discuss recommended treatments based on the condition being treated and the individual's medical history.

Monday, January 7, 2019

Lavender oil

*Lavender oil benefit*

1. Antioxidant Protection 

2. Diabetes Treatment 

3. Improves Mood and Supports Brain

4. Lavender Heals Burns and Cuts 

5. Lavender Oil Benefits Skin 

6. Lavender Oil for Headaches 

7. Lavender for Sleep and Insomnia

*Lavender Benefit*

1. As a dried herb to make a relaxing herbal tea 

2. In a tincture to help promote relaxation and sleep 

3. A strong tea can be cooled and used as a scalp rinse to remedy dandruff 

4. For headaches, smelling lavender and peppermint oils or rubbing into into the temples often helps 

5. The essential oil or lavender infused oil in homemade lotion bars, lotions. 

6. The essential oil can be used topically to help with acne or skin irritations 

7. Simmering dried lavender herb in a pot of water with some citrus peels for a natural air freshener


Tuberculosis is a serious disease. A tiny germ called tubercle bacillus causes it. The germ enters into tile body through the nose mouth, and the windpipe, and settles down in tile lungs. It multiplies by millions and produces small raised spots called tubercles.

Symptoms of Tuberculosis

Loss of Strength, Color and Weight

Tuberculosis may occur anywhere in the body but, more commonly, it affects the lungs, intestines, bones, and glands. Pulmonary tuberculosis or tuberculosis of the lungs is by far the most common type of tuberculosis. It tends to consume the body and the patient loses strength, color, and weight.

Temperature Rise, Persistent Cough, Breathing Problems and Body pain

Other symptoms are a rise in temperature-especially in the evening, a persistent cough and hoarseness, difficulty in breathing, pain in the shoulders, indigestion, chest pain, and blood in the sputum.

Causes of Tuberculosis

Lowered Resistance or Devitalisation of System

Lowered resistance or devitalisation of the system is the chief cause of this disease. Lowered resistance can result from intake of improper and inadequate foods, and living in ill-ventilated houses.

Improper Lifestyle, Smoking, Drinking and Stress

Other causes include exposure to cold, loss of sleep, impure air, a sedentary life, overwork, use of tobacco, liquor and other harmful drinks. These factors prepare the ground for the growth of germs of various kinds, including tubercle bacillus. These germs may be present in the body but are quite harmless for those who are endowed with vitality and natural resistance.

Three main diseases and their causes;

Tb=> bacterial infection
Malaria =>protozoan infection
HIV=> viral infection

Dom-Domty Medical Tips


1,  karka kayi anfani da mist mag. Trisilicate ga mai gudawa

2, karka yi anfani da vitamin b complex ga mai gudawa

3, karka bada quinin sulphate ga wanda baya da jini

4, karka yi anfani da chloramphenicol ga wanda baida isashshen jini a jiki

5, karka bada ampiclox ga wanda kasan yana gudawa

6, karka yi ceftriaxone a cikin drip

7, duk kabada ampiclox to ka dakatar da shan madara peak

8, ba a shan cimetidine kuma aci wake wato beans

9, idan kaci kifi karka sha nono

10, duk lokacin da jiki yayi zafi sosai daina bayar da antiprotozoal kai tsaye

11, gashewar jiki ko zafin jiki mai tsanani yakan haddasa firgita ga yara kanana ko yaushe watsa ruwa

12, iv ciprofloxacine kan bada reaction matukar aka sake shi da sauri.

Allah yasa mu dace!



They are everywhere, almost everywhere. You find them in homes, schools, offices, eateries, canteens, waste dumpsites, toilets, in bushes, as in everywhere.

That is Musca domestica, the Housefly!

The common Housefly is syanthrophic in nature i.e it occurs in all part of the world in various forms around man. They are also exophilic, entering into houses. You can't imagine the manifold relationship existing between man and the housefly.

The housefly generally has some Characteristics of which stands it out from other flies such as it's medium sized body, non-metalic grey coloured, which is divided into 3 segments, head thorax and abdomen. They are strongly attracted to moist skin, eyes, open wounds etc.

What's the Feeding Habit of Housefly?
Musca Domestica feeds on man's food and wastes, uses his building for shelter, and settles on his body and on his animals. You'll find it around waste dumps, toilets and other areas that are moist.

If you carefully look at the Housefly in it's resting position (it actually does not rest), it has the habit of shaking it's hands, legs and the body which is hairlike.

This activity is one of the most wicked thing done on the planet Earth. This is because that act drops several thousand microbs which have been picked up at various places including the toilet and the waste dump.

It has been observed and scientifically proven that houseflies, because of their dirty habits and constant association with man, are potential carriers of many disease pathogens to man. They contaminate food whenever they come in contact with with human food after it's contact with faeces and manure heaps or refuse.

It's noteworthy that they pick up germs with their mouth parts, legs and hairy body. These germs can be regurgitated on uncovered edible food.

Houseflies can mechanically transmit many diseases to man. Such diseases include bacillary dysentery, typhoid and paratyphoid fevers and cholera. Other diseases that Housefly transmit are poliomyelitis, infective hepatitis and trachoma.

To avoid these life-threatening and money-sapping and time-consuming preventable diseases, all you need to do is prevent flies from having a contact with your food or water.

If you want to stop the influx of Housefly into your home, just take up sanitation and hygiene as your lifestyle. Although our temperature favours the breeding of flies in our environment, yet we can limit their access into our homes.

Keep your food (cooked and raw) in containers that can be properly covered and ensure they are covered always. Also ensure that your thrash is properly bagged or covered in a tight-fitting lid to prevent movement of flies in and out of the refuse bin.

Whenever the source of food have been removed, their reason for coming is limited.

You can also screen all openings into the house with proper net or mesh.

And please, as much as possible, avoid eating anywhere. Don't buy food, especially fried food, from vendors who expose their food anyhow. It is dangerous.

In case you need to get rid of swarm of flies in your home, please consult a Registered and Licenced Environmental Health Officer who can use the correct method to do that for you at a reasonable cost.

Remember, they are small but they are a very powerful vehicle in disease transmission. Get rid of houseflies from your home to prevent stories that touch the heart.

Ceftriaxon injection


▶️ Ba ayi ceftriaxon dan arika hade dukkan ruwan allurar da ruwan maganin lidocain lokaci daya ba ace za ai anfani dasu duka.
▶️ Ruwan maganin lidocain mil daya kawai ake anfani dashi idan bukatan anfani da ita ta tsoka ta taso.
▶️ Allurar ceftriaxon akan yita a jijiya da kuma tsoka amma a tsoka tafi anfani kuma tafi saukin bada reaction da kaucema wasu side effect kamar painful site of injection, vomiting, etc
▶️ Ana dibar mil 1 na lidocain da kuma 3.5ml na ruwan allurar a hada daga karshe ta zama mil 5 a cikin kwalbar ka, wanda idan a tsoka za ayi.
▶️ Bayar da allurar ceftriaxon a jijiya, babu bukatan anfani da ruwan lidocain kwata kwata.
▶️ Allurar ceftriaxon magani ne 3rd generation na group of antibiotics drugs.
❌ Kalu bale ga masu anfani da lidocain 5ml kadai
❌ Kalu bale ga masu saka ceftriaxon a cikin Drip.

dolene kayi diluting ceftriaxone da 1% lidocaine HCL  5ml kenan a 1g for intramuscular use. ba a dibi 1 ml ba na lidocane a hada water for injection ba.

Lallai akwai kuskure a wannan hanyar ta bayar da allurar ceftriaxone.
Ba ayi ruwan allurar lidocain da sunana dama wani magani ba sannnan ba dan dama allura akai lidocain ba.
Lidocain ko lignocain na cikin wani rikunnen magunguna da ake ceda local anesthetic drug. Anfanin wannan magani shine Yana producing sensation ne a inda akai allurar ba tareda ya Haifar da consciousness ba wato kawar da hankali ba.
Wallahi billahi abu daya kawai yasa ake sako lidocain a cikin ceftriaxon saboda zafin ta a inda akayi ta.
Lallai kowace allurar Gari anso a dama ta da sterile water for injection.
Ba a anfani da lidocain kadai wajen dama allurar ceftriaxon da sunan bayar da ita a tsoka.

Lallai wajibi ne muhimmatu waje wayar dakai akan abunda muka sani sannan musan abunda bamu sani ba, domin kulada lafiyar al'umma. (wannan Shawarace ga likitoci)

Saturday, January 5, 2019

Banana Plants Leaf


In India and Asia, banana leaves are used like aluminum foil. They are used to wrap food prior to steaming and grilling.

The leaf makes an excellent platter and food served on these leaves tastes delicious.

The leaves are not eaten but while steaming food some of the polyphenols are imparted to the food.

Red Skinned Bananas:

The peel of this type of bananas is a maroon red color and they are plumper than normal bananas. They are also highly nutritious - the vitamin C content depends on how red the banana is.

The potassium content is high - more or less like the yellow bananas. The flavor of red bananas is unique and they are delicious and rare.

Flower Of Banana Tree

It is sweet and astringent in taste. The properties are unctousness, heavy and cold. It alleviates Vata, Pitta, blood disorders and emaciation.

1. Juice of flowers with curd helps in meno metrorrhagia

2. Flowers are taken as infusion for painful menses.

3. Flowers of Banana and Albizia lebbek (Shirish) mixed with Pippali (long pepper) are pounded with rice water is helpful in Asthma.

Stem Of Banana Tree

1. Juice of stem alleviates Vata disorders and thirst. Juice of stem helps in flushing out kidney stones. Sherbet (syrup) is given in cough. Inner tender stem is eaten as a vegetable.

Leaves Of Banana Tree

Kshara (Alkali) prepared from ash of Banana leaves is mixed with flour and made into paste. Intake of this alleviates stomach disorders. Alkali mixed with turmeric is helpful in skin disorders. Leaves are wrapped on wounds for proper healing.

Cashew Nut


Common Names - Cashew Nut , Cajueiro, jambu

Botanical Name - Anacardium occidentale

Family - Anacardiaceae

Parts Used - bark, stems, nuts, and resin

Hindi name = Kaju

Telugu Name = Jeedipappu

Kannada name = Godambi / Geru Beeja

Malayalam Name = Andiparippu / Kashuvandiparippu / Parangi Andi

Tamil Name = Mundhiri Paruppu / Andiparippu

Bengali Name = Hijli Badam

Cashew nut measures about an inch in length, 1/2 inches in diameter, and kidney or bean shape, with smooth curvy pointed tip. Each nut splits into two equal halves as in legumes. Cashews featurec ream white color with the firm yet delicate texture and smooth surface.

The cashew tree's leaves and bark as well as the popular cashew apple possess herbal health benefits that include killing bacteria and germs, stoping diarrhea, drying secretions, increasing the libido, and reducing fever, blood sugar, blood pressure and body temparature.

It packed 5 gramms of protein per ounce and high levels of the essentialsminerals, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, copper and maganese, which are utilized in holistic health solutions and healthy diets.

1. Prevents Cancer

Proanthocyanidins are a class of flavonols which fight against tumor cells by stopping them to divide further. These proanthocyanidins and high copper content in cashew nuts help fight against cancerous cells and keeps you away from colon cancer. This is one of the major cashew nut benefits

2. Healthy Heart

Cashews contain low fat content when compared to other nuts and that too in the oleic acid form which is very healthy for heart. They are cholesterol free and the antioxidants present keeps you away from heart diseases.

3. Lowers High Blood Pressure

Cashew nuts lower your blood pressure with the help of magnesium present in them.

4. Helps Hair

Copper is the mineral which helps your hair get that color. So if you take cashews which are full of copper content, you can get that black hair that you always wished for yours

5. Healthy Bones

Like calcium, magnesium is also important for bone health which is the main content in cashew nuts.

6. Healthy Nerves

Magnesium is stored on the bones surface which prevents calcium from entering the nerve cells and thus keeps the blood vessels and muscles relaxed. Insufficient amount of magnesium can lead calcium to enter the blood vessels leading them to contract. It also leads to high blood pressure, migraine headache etc.

7. Prevents Gallstones

Daily intake of cashewnut can reduce the risk of developing gallstones (6) up to 25%.

8. Helps in Weight Loss

Even though cashew nuts are considered as fats, it contains good cholesterol (7). So contrary to popular belief, those who eat cashews at least twice a week gain less weight when compared to those who eat less.

9. Anti-oxidants

Selenium, copper, magnesium etc. act as co-factors for many enzymes.

10. Helps Digestion

Cashew nuts help in growth and development, nucleic acid synthesis and digestion

11. High on Vitamins

Cashew nuts are rich in vitamins like riboflavin, pantothenic acid, thiamin, niacin etc. These vitamins keep you safe from sideroblastic anemia, pellagra, etc.

12. Healthy Gums and Teeth

As mentioned before, the magnesium content present in cashew nuts is very good for bones. So it gives healthy teeth as well as strong gums to hold them.

13. Pleasant sleep

After menopause, these cashew nuts can give you relaxed and pleasant sleep during nights.

14. Free Radicals

Cashew nuts help our body to utilize iron properly and eliminate free radicals (11) which cause health problems.

15. Macular Degeneration

Cashew nuts have the ability to filter Sunsdegeneration
 protect us from macular degeneration.

Pharmacognosy text book

Wankin Qoda


A nemi Ganyen Yalo🌿 wato (Garden Egg Leaves), Sai a Dan wanke ganyen da Ruwa me kyau Sai a yayyankashi🔪🌿 kanana-kanana,  Sai a zuba a tukunya me kyau tare da ruwa me kyau, Sai a dora a kan wuta tsawon mintuna⏰ goma 10.

Sai a tace a saisaitashi kaman shayi🍵, idan ya Dan huce Sai a shanye cikin karamin Kofi daya🍵, Bayan an shanye da Dan wasu awowi in aka ji fitsari a yi a fili ta yadda za a ga kalar Fitsarin ya chanza tare da fitar da wasu cututtuka Daga Qoda (Kidney) Zuwa mara.

Me fama da Ciwon Qoda ya jarraba Wannan bayani InshaaAllahu zai dace da waraka da yardar Allah! Me fama da ciwon Qoda yana iya yi kullum sau Biyu a rana har ya dace, me son ya wanke Qodarsa kuma Sai ya dinga yi sau daya a kowacce rana Na tsawon sati daya.

Yah Allah👏🏻 ka bamu Lafiya da zaman lafiya.



Anaemia is a very common blood disorder and is related to hemoglobin levels in the blood.
 It is important to understand the exact role of hemoglobin in order to fully understand this condition.
The blood circulating in our bodies contains red blood cells. These red blood cells contain hemoglobin molecules that combine with oxygen to be transported to the various organs and tissues of the body. If your red blood cells have insufficient hemoglobin, they cannot transport the require amounts of oxygen to the rest of the body. As your body is starved of the oxygen it requires, you become listless and your energy levels decrease. There are several types of anaemia based on the root cause of the problem and so a definite diagnosis is essential.

Anaemia can aggravate existing ailments or it can increase your risks of succumbing to a variety of illnesses. Anaemia can generally be treated and prevented through dietary changes.

Thursday, January 3, 2019

Dom-Domty Medical Tips


protect your heart.
strengthen bone.
control blood pressure.
block diarrhea.

prevent constipation.
help hemorrhoids.
lower cholesterol.
combat cancer.
stabilize blood sugar.

save eye sight.
combats cancer.
protects your heart.
controls blood pressure.

combats cancer.
promotes weight loss.
helps hemorrhoids.

save eye sight.
protect your heart.
prevent constipation.

protects against prostate cancer.
combats breast cancer.
strengthens bones.
banishes bruises.
✓ guards against heart disease.

lowers cholesterol.
controls blood pressure.
kills bacteria.
fights fungus.

protects against heart attacks.
promotes weight loss.
helps stop strokes.
lowers cholesterol.

combats cancer.
helps to stop strokes.
kills bacteria.

heals wounds.
aids digestion.
guards against ulcer.
increases energy.
fights allergies.

smoothen skin.
stop scurvy.

battles diabetes.
smoothens skin.

reduce risk of heart attack.
lower cholesterol.
fight fungal infections.

support immune system.
combats cancer.
protect your heart.
straighten respiration.

strengthens bones.
relieves cold.
aids digestion.
dissolves warts.
blocks diarrhea.

combats cancer.
boost memory.
calm stress.

save your eyesight.
lift mood.
combat cancer.

protects prostate.
combat cancer.
protect your heart.

lower cholesterol.
boost memory.
protect against cardiovascular diseases.

battle diabetes.
lower cholesterol.
helps stops strokes.
control blood pressure.


6 pairs of fruits that should never be mixed because they can cause death ..

1) Orange and carrot
2) Pineapple and milk
3) Papaya and lemon
4) Guava and banana
5) Orange and milk
6) Banana and lemon

....You can save a life by sharing this message.



via; Dom-Domty Medicine Store🏥 Gombe.

*Gyenbon ciki* shine idan ansamu kurji ya girma a cikin mutum , da kuma babban hanji haka kuma yakan iya girma a makogoro .

1- Gastric Ulcer : wannan Gastric ulcer wassu suna Kiranta da stomach Ulcer ( ma'ana kurjin ciki ) wannan kurjin yakan kama cikin mutun ne inda abinci yake taruwa .

2- Duedenal Ulcer : wannan shima kurji ne a cikin dan Adam amma wannan kurjin ana samun shi a  Karamin Hanjin Dan Adam.

3- Esophage Ulcer : itama wannan kurjin cikin ne wanda yake girma a makogoro .

*Me Yake kawo gyenbon ciki* :

1- mafi yawan gyenbon ciki kwayar cutar bakteria mai suna HPylori yake kawo shi .

2- sai kuma yawan shan maganin dauke  ciwo kamar su  Ibuprofen , cataflam , Aspirin , naproxen da sauran su .

Baya ga yawan shan maganin dauke ciwo akoi wassu abubuwa da suke taimaka kamar su :

1- Abinci mai dauke da yawan acid

2- Shan taba yakan kara hatsarin kamuwa da gyenbon ciki .

3- shan barasa shima yakan kara hasarin kamuwa da gyenbon ciki sabida yana dauke da acid

4- Sai kuma yawan damuwa bazai haddasa gyenbon ciki ba amma yakan sa ciwon ulcer yayi tsanani ga wanda dama yake da gyenbon cikin.

Gyenbon ciki yana zuwa da alamu da dama, daga cikinsu akoi :

1- Ciwon kirji
2- Ciwon ciki
3- amai ko aman jini
4- kashi da jini
5- ciwon tsakiyar baya
6- Kumburin ciki
7- jin damuwa bayan cin abinci
8- Ramewa mara dalili
9- Tashin zuciya
10-  rashin cin abinci da hajijiya .

*Yaya za'a warkar da gyenbon ciki ??*

Hanyar warkar da gyenbon ciki ta farko shine kawar da da kwayar cutar H- Pylori .

Kuma rage acid da ciki yake fitarwa da hanyar amfani da magunguna masu rage fitar da acids zai taimaka wajen warkarwa .

Kuma yana da amfani mutum yadaina wadannan abubuwa :

- Shan taba
- shan barasa
- Abinci mai dauke da acid
- Abinci mai daci
- abinci mai yaji
- abinci mai dauke da gas kamar coke .

Warkar da kwayar cutar bakteriya mai suna H-pylori yana bukatar a hada maganin rage ko kashe kwayar cutar baktriya a kalla kala biyu . kuma za'a ayi amfani da magunguna masu rage fitar acid a ciki .

Kafin a kawar da kwayar cutar mai suna H Pylori zai dauki lokoci mutum yana amfani da magani a kalla sati biyu zuwa uku . kuma maganin rage fitar acid akalla mutum zaisha zuwa watanni shidda , mafi yawan gyenbon ciki yana warkewa a tsakanin wannan lokocin .

Bayan mutum yayi amfani da magani idan alamar gyenbon cikin suka sake zuwa zaka iya bada wani maganin daban ko kuma kabada shawara mara lafiya yadinga shan maganin ko yadaina jin alamar gyenbon cikin , amma a rage girman ( mg) na maganin .

Daga; *Shagon Magani Na Dom-Domty*🏥dake Gombe.



Thypoid is caused by salmonella shigell typhi

While malaria is caused by female anopheles mosquito

Typiod is transmitted through contaminated water,
And Malaria is transmitted through mosquito bite

Buth of them destroy the red blood cell

Malaria is cause by protozoans, transmitted by females anaph. Misquote while typhoid is cause by bacteria live and present in either stool, blood, water or food.

Malaria it's protozoan infections.
Typhoid it's bacterial infections,
Malaria is one of the opportunistic infections,
Typhoid is cause by salmonella typhi
Malaria can be transmitted only through blood to blood contact,
Typhoid can be easily transmitted through, blood, food, toilets and contaminated water,
Malaria can diagnosed only through blood test,
Typhoid can be diagnosed through blood and stool analysis.


daga; Dom-Domty Medicine Store🏥

Malaria dai tana daya daga cikin cutukan nan masu yaduwa ta hanyar cizon sauro kadai, ta nanne kawai ake iya daukan malaria idan aka debe ta hanyar dibar jinin mai dauke da malaria a sakama lafiyayye, kwayoyin parasite masu haddasa malaria suna rayuwa cikin jinin dan Adam ne kawai.

Malaria ba a gane ta kai tsaye ba tareda awon jini ba sannan malaria tana daya daga cikin cutukan nan masu kama da juna, malaria nada alamomin da sukai kama da wasu cutukan kamar typhoid ita kanta.

Haka kuma typhoid akan gane mai typhoid ta hanyar awon jini da kashi ne wacce wannan kwayar halitta salmonella tana rayuwa cikin kashi, idan mai typhoid yai kashi da wannan kwayar cutar za a iya dauka, takan rayu cikin ruwa idan aka samu wannan kwayar halitta a ruwa akasha za a iya developing typhoid, haka ma a abinci haka kuma abun yake a jini ta hanyar Karin jini saidai mutum ba zai dauki wannan cuta dan jini ya hadu da jini kamar ta accident saboda ana la'akari ko sai takai wasu adadi zata iya bada matsala a jikin dan adam.

Mafi yawa akan Dora tinanin wadannan cututtukan ne da zaran mutum yace bai lafiya ko zazzabi ya kama shi ai malaria da typhiod ce.

Malaria wata cuta ce wacce take yaduwa sanadiyar cizon maccen sauro daga wani zuwa wani wanda wasu kwayoyin parasite kan haddasa wadanda ba a iya ganin su ta ido.

Zazzabi na typhoid yasha banban dana malaria.

Typhoid wani zazzabi ne mai naci wanda yake faruwa ta hanyoyi da dama. Ciwo ne mai alaka da rashin tsafta wanda shi kuma wasu kwayoyin bacteria ne ke hayayyafa su haifar dashi inda wadannan bacteria ke rayuwa cikin jini, ruwa, abinci da kuma Kashi.
Ta wadannan hanyoyi kadai za a iya daukan typhoid.

Ba lallai bane mai zazzabin malaria a samu typhoid sannan ba dole bane mai typhoid a tarar dashi da malaria.

Alamomin wadannan cutukan kusan iri daya ne amma sunsha baban ta hanyoyin kanuwa dasu da kuma abunda ke haddasa ko wanne daga cikin su.

A daina wahala ana shan magungunan typhoid da malaria lokaci daya ba tare da an banbance kowane ta hanyar awo ba.

Babu daya daga cikin wadannan cutukan da za a iya gane wa ba tareda yin gwaji na jini ga malaria ba. Da kuma na Kashi da hoto ga typhiod ba.

via; Dom-Domty Medicine Store Gombe.


(wholesale & retail)
In Gombe Main Market,
opposite access bank.

Muna farin cikin sanar da al'umma cewa mun bude katafaren shagon ingantattun magani na zamani (genuine drugs) domin masu sari da kuma wadanda likita ya rubuta musu takardar magani a asibity, muna badashi a farashi mai rahusa domin tallafawa a'umma a irin halinda ake ciki.
Ita dai wannan katafaren shagon maganin sun tanadar muku da kwararrun masu bada magani a shagon domin baku ingantattun magani irin wanda likita yake buqata da abaiwa maras lafiya ba tareda an canja kalan maganin da likita ya rubuta a jikin prescription card (wato katin asibiti) da wasu kamfanoni na dabam wanda likita basu yakeda buqataba.

DOM-DOMTY MEDICINE STORE bai tsaya ananba, suna sayarda kayayyakin surgical equipment da kuma irinsu BP apparatus da dai sauransu a Kuma farashi mai sauki da rahusa.

Sannan kuma ma'aikatan wannan shago sun iya kulawa da jama'a da kalamai masu dadi da sauraronsu cikin nutsuwa dukda irin yawan jama'ar dasuke zuwa wajen akullum.

A qarshe muna muku lale marhaban da zuwanku tare da fatan Allah ya yayewa marasa lafiya larurar da suke fama dashi ya kuma basu lafiya🙏🏻



Alhamdulillah muna godiya ga Allah (s.w.t) daya bamu dama muka bode wannan web site din.Tsira da aminci sutabbata ga shugaban halitta annabi Muhammad (s.a.w) da iyalan gidansa tsarkaka!

Mun bude wannan website dinne domin samun posting namu cikin sauki ga masu bibiyarmu a social media irinsune Facebook, WhatsApp, Twitter da-dai sauransu.

Wannan blogs din zai taimakawa masu karatu su amfana sosain, ta hanyar samun ingantattun bayanai na ilmi da Kuma fadakarwa daza muna watso muku acikinsa insha Allah.

Sannan muna godiya agareku tareda fatan alkhairi wajen irin positive comments da kukeyi akan posting dinmu, da kuma liking da share din pages dinmu mai albarka, Allah yasaka da alkhairi ya Kuma bar zumunci! Mun gode!

Jawabin Godiya!


Da sunan Allah Mai rahma, mai jin kai. Alhamdulillah muna qara godewa Allah (swt) a bisa ga irin ni'imomin da yayi mana. Tsira da aminci Allah su qara tabbata ga fiyayyen halitta annabi Muhammad (s.a.w) da iyalan gidansa tsarkaka.

Muna qara godewa Allah (swt) wanda cikin ludufinsa da yardassa ya nufemu da bude wannan application din mai tarin albarka, wanda kuma acikinsa Yana dauke da bayanai akan ita wannan shagon magani mai suna a sama wato DOM-DOMTY MEDICINE STORE, tare kuma da bayanai akan magun-guna daban-daban gamida fadakarwa akan wasu hanyoyi da za'abi domin prevention wato kariya daga cutuwar jika gaba daya.

Sannan a qarshe Munna godiya ga babban yaya kuma jigo a wannan a wannan katafaren shago shine Alh. Adamu Hassan (Ba matsala) wanda ya taimaka sosai matuqa gaya, muna fata Allah ya saka masa da alkairi.

Sai kuma qaninshi Alh. Salisu Hassan (wanda shima ya dauke da nashi katafaren shagon maganin a kusa damu.) Muna masa fatan alheri shima Allah ya taimaka.
Sai Kuma babban oga wato managing director na wannan katafaren shago Wanda gaba daya wannan application din take magana akai, shine Alh. Abdullahi Hassan, muna fatan Allah ya taimakeshi ya qara masa budi da wadata da arziqi mai albarka.

Ba zan manta da mayan yaran shagon namuba, irin manajan kasuwar kauye wata Abbakari (P.A na Bamatsala), sai kuma Sagiru, Mustapha da kuma Hassan.
Muna fatan Allah ya taimaki wannan shago ya kuma qara daukakashi Amin!

....baza mu manta da Auwal Sufi ba acikin wannan hidimar, kazalika da kuma dan aikan shago wato Sale Ozil.