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Saturday, March 9, 2019

Som-flour/Black Cumin

Use The Black Seed For Indeed, It Is A Cure.

The Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) told us about this effective medicine which can cure all disease, (God Willing). remedy for all disease except death’ He was always truthful and his revelations are not due to caprice, but revealed to him by Allah (SWT). 
-Sahih Bukhari 7:591



Mix a cup of water cress seeds with a cup of Whole Black Seed, half a cup of pomegranate peel, and half a cup of Fumitory. Grind the mixture to powder. 
Take half a teaspoon of the mixture together with a teaspoon (5ml) of Virgin Black Seed Oil daily before breakfast for one month.


Drink Virgin Black Seed Oil regularly with any hot drink. This dissolves fats and dilates veins and arteries.


Grind 250 g of Whole Black Seeds thoroughly and mix with 250g of Pure Honey. Take two tablespoons of this mixture in half a cup of hot water. 
This mixture is to be taken daily before breakfast together with a teaspoon (5ml) of Virgin Black Seed Oil.


Inhale the vapour of Virgin Black Seed Oil and drink two teaspoons (10ml) of Black Seed Oil with Lemon Juice in the morning and evening.


Rub the affected area with Apple Vinegar and then with Virgin Black Seed Oil for fifteen days.


Stroke the scalp thoroughly with Lemon and leave for about fifteen minutes. Shampoo, wash and dry hair thoroughly. Then apply Virgin Black Seed Oil to the scalp & drink a teaspoon (5ml) of Virgin Black Seed Oil mixed with Tea or Coffee.


Mix equally, Virgin Black Seed Oil with Olive oil. Rub the face with this mixture and leave it for one hour. Wash with soap and water.


1-2 teaspoons (5-10ml) of Virgin Black Seed Oil mixed with Orange Juice in the morning makes you active all through the day.


A teaspoon (5ml) of Virgin Black Seed Oil with 100 mg of boiled mint.


A teaspoon (5ml) of Virgin Black Seed Oil mixed in a hot drink after supper gives you a quiet sleep all through the night. Insha ‘Allah.


Mildly heat some Black Seed Oil and then stroke the affected area intensely with the oil, together with a teaspoon (5ml) of Virgin Black Seed Oil to be drunk three times daily. Healing expected within a few weeks, Insha ‘Allah.


Rub the forehead and the sides of the face near the ears with Virgin Black Seed Oil then bandage the forehead. Also take a teaspoon (5ml) of Virgin Black Seed Oil, before breakfast.


Mix any drink with a teaspoon (5ml) of Virgin Black Seed Oil and also take two lobes of garlic every morning with breakfast. Rub the whole body with Black Seed Oil and expose to sun rays for half an hour once every three days.


A teaspoon (5ml) of Virgin Black Seed Oil with a cup of tea or coffee helps to cool you down and eliminate symptoms of tension.


Drink a cup of milk with a teaspoon (5ml) of Virgin Black Seed Oil three times daily for five days. This should help cure the problem, Insha ‘Allah.


Mix a teaspoon (5ml) of Virgin Black Seed Oil with a cup of yogurt. Drink the mixture twice a day for three days.


Rub the chest with Black Seed Oil, drink a teaspoon (5ml) of Virgin Black Seed Oil morning, noon, & night, and inhale the vapour of Black Seed Oil mixed into hot water.

Heres a great many remedies all using kulunji or black seeds.  
This should be sufficient for any ailment anyone experiencing. 


What is Black Seed Oil?

The prophet Mohammed is said to have proclaimed that black cumin seed could cure “anything but death.”

Black cumin seed is mentioned in the Old Testament, too, and was found in the tomb of King Tut.
That’s a pretty good pedigree.

Is Black Seed Used in Medicines Now?

Native to southwest Asia, black seed, also known as Nigella sativa and black cumin, has been the subject of at least four recent metastudies that highlight its potential for use in production of new drugs for a variety of conditions.

There’s no need to wait for pharmacological advances to get the benefits of Nigella sativa, though. The plant is available as a supplement, typically in the form of capsules of black seed oil. The active ingredient that led one researcher to call black seed a “miracle herb” is thymoquinone, which has hepatoprotective (prevents damage to the liver), anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anticancer, and other properties.

Other Uses & Benefits of Black Seed Oil:

✓ Skin Health:
Research on the anti-inflammatory effects of black seed indicate that it may be helpful in treating psoriasis and acne. The herb’s antibacterial properties were cited in animal studies showing black seed to be useful in the treatment of staphylococcal skin infections. Black seed has also been used to promote the healing of wounds in farm animals.

✓ Antifungal Properties:
In animal studies, black seed extract was found to be significantly effective in inhibiting the growth of Candida albicans. It has also been shown to be effective against other yeasts, molds, and fungi.

✓ Anticancer Properties:
Scientists began looking at the effect of black seed on cancer in the 1980s, when patients with advanced cancer who were part of an immunotherapy study that included Nigella sativa seed and other compounds were found to have enhanced natural killer cell activity.

The authors of one meta study wrote that:
“there is a wide consensus in cancer research that TQ [thymoquinone] has promising anticancer activities” and concluded that it “may be useful as a dietary supplement to enhance the effects of anticancer drugs.”

✓ Other Uses for Black Seed Oil:

Other conditions for which black seed has been shown to have therapeutic potential include:
asthma, rheumatism, bronchitis, diabetes, and ulcers and other gastric disorders including inflammatory bowel disease.

✓ Precautions for Black Seed Oil:

Black seed oil may interact with other drugs, so check with a healthcare practitioner before taking it. 
It may also have contraceptive properties, so women who would like to become pregnant or who are pregnant should avoid it.

via: Dom-Domty Medical Tips® ✓


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