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Saturday, March 23, 2019


Cassava:  A potential Cure for Cancer So far this exotic plant has been used in the manufacture of bread and beverages, but studies have now shown that it is a cancer treatment and potential infertility! Recent studies have shown that cassava can be invaluable to our health because of the many advantages it offers. The leaves of the plant are rich in protein, lysine and beta-carotene, while the root is full of calcium and vitamin C. Regularly...

Thursday, March 14, 2019

Black Velvet Tamarind (Tsamiyar Biri)

10 Diseases You Never Knew African Velvet Tamarind Could Treat. Popularly known as Awin in Yoruba, Icheku in Igbo and Tsamiyar kurm in Hausa, African velvet tamarind in English. You love the fruit but probably know nothing about it’s health benefits. HERE ARE SOME OF THE BENEFITS: Malaria:  According to research, the leaf extract inhibits the growth of plasmodium falciparum which causes malaria therefore, taking a decoction can...

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Ciwon Sankarau

....welcome ✓ Hello my professional colleague we are already in hot season, the important issue that we are going to discuss is CSM (Cerebrospinal Meningitis): CEREBROSPINAL MENINGITIS CANJIN YANAYI (Sankarau/csm): Mu samarda isash-shen iska yayinda mukaje dakunan baccin mu ta hanyar bude kofofin iska a dakunan mu. Sannan Da munga wadannan alamomin mugarzaya asibiti mafi kusa: 1- Zazzabi mai zafi. 2- Sagalewar wuya. 3- Amai ko gudawa. 4-...

Saturday, March 9, 2019

Som-flour/Black Cumin

Use The Black Seed For Indeed, It Is A Cure. The Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) told us about this effective medicine which can cure all disease, (God Willing). remedy for all disease except death’ He was always truthful and his revelations are not due to caprice, but revealed to him by Allah (SWT).  -Sahih Bukhari 7:591 BLACK SEED USE THE FOLLOWING FUNCTION IN TREATMENT OF: ✓ DIABETES: Mix a cup of water cress seeds with a cup of...

Ciwon Diabetes

MENENE DIABETES? Diabetes:  Diabetes wata cutace da ake kiranta cutan suga da Hausa, cutace wadda suga (glucose) dake cikin jini yake haurawa sama. MENENE DIABETES TYPE 1: Diabetes type 1:  Diabetes type 1 (Insulin Dependent Diabetes): Idan suga yayi yawa a jikin dan Adam Dalilin Jikin mutun baya Samar da kemikal mai suna Insulin shi ake kira Diabetes Type 1. MENENE DIABETES TYPE 2 : Diabetes type 2:  Diabetes...

Friday, March 1, 2019

Barka da Juma'a

Saqon Barka da Juma'a! : السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته ✓ Wanda ya fi ka wadata ba lalle ne ya fi ka arziki ba.  ✓ Wadatacce shi ne wanda yake samun biyan bukatun sa. ✓ Wahalallu a duniya mutane biyu ne:  Wanda Allah ya kawo lokacin abu ya ce ba za ayi shi ba, da wanda Allah bai kawo lokacin abu ba ya ce sai an yi shi. ✓ Ka yarda da hukuncin Allah, shi ne zama lafiya a gare ka. Ya Ubangiji! ✓ Ka karbi tubanmu, Ka wanke zunubanmu,...