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Monday, October 28, 2019

Happy Weekend

End of Week Refreshment !

A Nigerian Teacher Was Sent To China To Teach....

The first day he entered the class, he decided to call attendance.
He called the first name: "Sheng",
A student stood up and answered: "present sir"
He called the second name: "chu muon",
Another student answered: "present sir".
Suddenly he sneezed: "hatchia".
One student seated at the corner stoop up and said: "present sir"
He surprisingly exclaimed: "hmmm"
All the students shouted: "absent sir".

At this moment, he got confused and said: "Chai".
Three students immediately stood up and
said: "which of us sir".
The teacher became even more confused and asked: "what is wrong"??
A student stood up and answered: "sir, I am not wrong. I am called Wong".
Now the teacher could not help it but laughed out "hahaha...... 

A girl stood up and answered: "present sir". The teacher collapsed with laughter.

Guess What...

I Can See You Laughing & Don't Hold Within You Alone, share it to your friends too...

                 >>>>>Yours Dom-Domty<<<<<

....Stay Connected Always With Dom-Domty Medicine Store!

→ By the way, Happy weekend To You All!.

the2brothers ✓


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