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Sunday, March 1, 2020

Happy Weekend (3)

Random Short Jokes Of The Day That Will Crack Your Ribzz

1. When I was in primary school, I never knew the Nigerian national anthem was in English language.
Back then, it used to be like: 

“Araiz oh compamshown

Najeriya skolobey

Tusa awa fadaslan

witlo an sley anfe

Dale bo of awahirosfa

Shaleba vi inves

Tusa tusa awa mayt

Worle shobon in frido

Pis an yuniti”

Hehehe, don’t laugh at me, I know u also sang it like that.

2. When we were growing up they used to tell us that education is the key🗝to success

Now we went to school, graduated, got the key? And only to find out that the government has CHANGED the padlock.

3. Beat a Nigerian kid, console him with biscuits, then ask him “who beat you”? He points 👉🏻at another person. 

That is how bribery and corruption started in Nigeria 🇳🇬?

4. I think my iPhone is not working, I press the home button and I'm still at school 

5. Imagine you go to the drug shop to buy poison to kill your self,
But you still wait for your change.... Are you serious?

6. Arsenal is like a student with a beautiful handwriting. But false answer!

7. Once you are 25 years, So you don't have to set an alarm.... 
Your problems will wake you up!

8. Dear mosquitoes i know biting is your job, 
But is singing necessary ?

9. No matter how good love messages are they,
Can't be compared to a bank alert...

10. In Africa we dont change batteries...
We slap the Remote control until it starts to behave...🤣

11. You can't be born on February and be normal, 
The month itself is not complete

12. Women will always tell you that men can cheat and tell lies, but they seem to be forgetting that "What a man can do, a woman can do better" ...Guys are you with me??🤣

13. I remember back then in 1964, we were only 3 on Facebook...
Mr Mark Zuckerberg, Mr Bill Gates and Myself. 
...Until you guys joined😠

14. One day you will have enough money to enjoy and settle your bills and all these sufferings will end. 
Don't shout Amen, just go and work.

15. In English class, a teacher asked his student to assume they are in war and write an essay on their experiences; one student was sitting idle and the teacher walked up to him.
TEACHER: why are you not writing?
STUDENT: I was killed immediately after the war started!

....just for us to laugh small

A man was in a public transport, And wanted to see the reaction of others.... So he took his phone and dialed a number, place the phone to his👂ear, And said in a low tune:
Baby, i can't come to you today because I'm in the same public transport with your husband....
I will call you later okey?

All the men in the bus demanded,
"Excuse me mister man!!
I want to see the number you just called Right now, it is hot and heated in the bus......

Even the driver want to know the last number the man called!
Am still there separating the fight.....
That's why i have not been very active on this platform since morning!



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