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Sunday, July 7, 2019

Maltina & Milk


Combination of Malt & Milk is not a Blood Tonic or a Blood booster. It's a myth & a lie.
& there's no truth about it...

Okay let’s analyse this a bit further.
Each 100g of Peak Milk contains:
28.3g of Fat (of which 19g is “saturated fat” which is actually bad fat - very bad medically for your heart).
37.1g carbohydrates.
25g protein.
506 kilocalories of energy.
And the rest are salt, vitamin A and D.
So essentially Peak Milk is mainly fats, carbohydrates and protein.

“Blood tonics” need to be rich in IRON- that is easily absorbable by the body- because this is what your body needs and uses to make blood!

And unfortunately Peak Milk has NONE of that. So what am I saying in essence, for ANYTHING to “give you blood” or help you build blood- it has to be a rich source of IRON- because that’s what your body needs to build blood.

That’s why when your blood is low, Pharmacist/Doctors give you IRON containing capsules which you take for it.
And that’s why ANYTHING that would be considered a “blood tonic” MUST BE a rich source of Iron.
So IF something is NOT rich in Iron, it can NOT give blood. So does that make sense so far?
IF it is NOT rich in Iron, it cannot help you to build Hemoglobin and Red Blood Cells- which is essentially what you need to “build blood”. Do you understand?

So this is why doctors just laugh at the popular myth of “malt and milk gives blood”. And
 in fact, shall I shock you more?

The Peak Milk bottle clearly says on it that it’s NOT rich in Iron.
Look at the attached image above, It is boldly written on it. So IF you are hoping to “build blood”, and you are drinking Peak Milk- you are actually wasting your time And money.

IF anything at all, all those Milk is high in “saturated fats”- which as I said earlier on is “bad fat” for your heart.
Regularly taking in large amounts would make you fat, increase bad cholesterol “LDL”, can give you hypertension, heart disease and a heart attack.

I’m NOT saying don’t take it at all.
I’m only saying as an elderlies, it has risks for your heart and on your health if you take large amounts of all those milk on a consistent continuous pattern. Because of the high calories and fat. You have to learn how to limit it and cut down.

Okay let’s analyse the Maltina.
What does it contain?
Look at the attached images above Again you see that Maltina- like any malt drink- is mainly calories and carbohydrates (sugar) with very little fat and vitamins, That’s all.

There is NO Iron what so ever in Maltina.
NONE AT ALL. So you now see my argument as a certified Pharmacist on this myth of “Maltina and Peak milk gives blood”.
Maltina has NO Iron.
Peak Milk has NO Iron.
Iron is what your body needs to build blood.

Do you now see that it makes no pharmacological sense to continue to believe this deceitful myth?

“But what about UGWU and Milk”??

Now this is NOT a myth. It is TRUE. It works.
Not because of the Milk but because of the Ugwu. And it is the same principle-
Ugwu is known as Pumpkin.
Pumpkin is actually rich in Iron. And of course Iron helps to build blood as I said earlier.

Ugwu is known to contain high levels of Iron actually. So definitely Ugwu can help you build your blood.
Look at the attached images to verify this information. Infact, the Igbos have used Ugwu as natural blood tonic for centuries.
And they are right on that. That’s NO myth.
Infact there was a research done on Ugwu Leaves and its relationship to blood building and all that.

It’s a well known fact that Ugwu can help to build blood. Taking it with milk is just for fun- the power is in the Ugwu Not milk.

“But they give us Malt and Milk after donating blood” Actually, that’s a “thanks for coming”, dears. They are not giving you back your blood AT ALL. Don’t be deceived.
It’s just an incentive for you to donate.
It’s NOT blood replacement.

I hope this is clear enough for us all.
“But malt and milk is sweet/refreshing”
Sweetness, ENERGY and Refreshing feeling comes from SUGAR.

Malt drinks are high in Sugar and So the sweetness comes from the sugar. That it is sweet and refreshing is NOT equal to giving blood.
Coke is sweet, But it doesn’t give blood.

                 Via: Dom-Domty Medical Tips ✓

                               Dom-Domty ®



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